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2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin


Friday, November 30, 2012

2012 Knights of Columbus State Council Mid-Year Meeting

2012 Mid-Year Meeting.pdf.pdf2012 Knights of Columbus State Council Mid-Year Meeting State Officers and District Deputies will be attending the 2012 Mid-Year Meeting on November 30 and December 1, 2012 in Casa Grande, Arizona. The 2012 Mid-Year meeting will be held at St. Anthony Padua Parish Community Center located at 150 N. Drylake Street in Casa Grande, AZ. This meeting is mandatory for State Officers and District Deputies. On Friday, the meetings, for State Officers and District Deputies only, will begin at 3:00 p.m. This meeting...

2012 Knights of Columbus State Council Mid-Year Meeting

2012 Mid-Year Meeting.pdf.pdf2012 Knights of Columbus State Council Mid-Year Meeting State Officers and District Deputies will be attending the 2012 Mid-Year Meeting on November 30 and December 1, 2012 in Casa Grande, Arizona. The 2012 Mid-Year meeting will be held at St. Anthony Padua Parish Community Center located at 150 N. Drylake Street in Casa Grande, AZ. This meeting is mandatory for State Officers and District Deputies. On Friday, the meetings, for State Officers and District Deputies only, will begin at 3:00 p.m. This meeting...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

SK Rev. Joseph Gillespie - Obituary

Sir Knight, Rev. Joseph GillespieDecember 21, 1924 - November 26, 2012 It is with great sadness that the Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council mourns the death of Brother Knight and State Chaplain Emeritus Sir Knight Rev. Joseph Gillespie. Fr. Joe was called to his eternal rest with our Lord this past Monday evening. Viewing will be on Friday morning, November 30, 2012 at 9:00 AM. Mass will follow at 11:00 a.m. Both will...

SK Rev. Joseph Gillespie - Obituary

Sir Knight, Rev. Joseph GillespieDecember 21, 1924 - November 26, 2012 It is with great sadness that the Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council mourns the death of Brother Knight and State Chaplain Emeritus Sir Knight Rev. Joseph Gillespie. Fr. Joe was called to his eternal rest with our Lord this past Monday evening. Viewing will be on Friday morning, November 30, 2012 at 9:00 AM. Mass will follow at 11:00 a.m. Both will...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

DECEMBER THEME: Keeping Christ in Christmas

Brothers ALL:In keeping with the Spirit of Christmas during this holy time of the year, we want to share a reminder that “Christ is The Reason for the Season”. Brothers, we must continue to keep Christ in Christmas regardless of the distractions and challenges that we face in our everyday lives.Pray that Jesus be the main focus of our daily lives, and with the strength that God provides through that prayer, we must continue to support our Church,...

DECEMBER THEME: Keeping Christ in Christmas

Brothers ALL:In keeping with the Spirit of Christmas during this holy time of the year, we want to share a reminder that “Christ is The Reason for the Season”. Brothers, we must continue to keep Christ in Christmas regardless of the distractions and challenges that we face in our everyday lives.Pray that Jesus be the main focus of our daily lives, and with the strength that God provides through that prayer, we must continue to support our Church,...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas Gathering for scholarships - Council 3855


Christmas Gathering for scholarships - Council 3855


Friday, November 23, 2012

New Years Eve Party - Council 3855

8066   North 49th AvenueGlendale( Corner of 49th Ave and Northern) Knights of ColumbusCouncil 3855 Cordially invite YOU to celebrate the New Year Tuesday, December 31  Knights of Columbus Hall 49th Avenue and Northern. No Host Cocktail Hour 6pm—7:00 pm Dinner at 7:00 pmPork Tenderloin, Potato, vegetable...

New Years Eve Party - Council 3855

8066   North 49th AvenueGlendale( Corner of 49th Ave and Northern) Knights of ColumbusCouncil 3855 Cordially invite YOU to celebrate the New Year Tuesday, December 31  Knights of Columbus Hall 49th Avenue and Northern. No Host Cocktail Hour 6pm—7:00 pm Dinner at 7:00 pmPork Tenderloin, Potato, vegetable...


Knights of Columbus Council 7465                   Brother Knights and the Community of St Jerome. What a wonderful event this was. I want to thank all the Knights and the St. Jerome Community volunteers that were there for the good of all.  The dinner was supported in so many ways from donated cooked turkeys, the serving line, to table clean up, and to...


Knights of Columbus Council 7465                   Brother Knights and the Community of St Jerome. What a wonderful event this was. I want to thank all the Knights and the St. Jerome Community volunteers that were there for the good of all.  The dinner was supported in so many ways from donated cooked turkeys, the serving line, to table clean up, and to...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Flag retirement - Multiple Councils

Fr. Henry Miller, Assembly 2308 in Tucson, sponsored a flag retirement ceremony November 10 atSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton church.After the ceremony, Sir Knights sold lunch to raise money to send more veterans to visit the WW II memorial in Washington, D.C. 2788 - Council 8077 rifle team.2799 - Sons of the Revolution added an historic dimension, including bagpipes.2811 - Sir Knights carry "our old friend" to be respectfully retired.2843 - WW II vets...

Flag retirement - Multiple Councils

Fr. Henry Miller, Assembly 2308 in Tucson, sponsored a flag retirement ceremony November 10 atSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton church.After the ceremony, Sir Knights sold lunch to raise money to send more veterans to visit the WW II memorial in Washington, D.C. 2788 - Council 8077 rifle team.2799 - Sons of the Revolution added an historic dimension, including bagpipes.2811 - Sir Knights carry "our old friend" to be respectfully retired.2843 - WW II vets...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

PWID Special Olympics Checks

Brothers,As in years past, the State Council will send PWID checks for special Olympics directly to them. If you wish to have the check sent to your council so you can present it, please make a notation on the PWID Expense & Check Request Form.Vivat Jesus!Pete KarculiasPWID Director* C: 520-261-0...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

AZ State Family of the Month Program

From the AZ State Family of the Month (FOM) Director. The following information has been received from Supreme. Of the AZ State FOM submissions for July 2012, District 27, Council 7904's Gerald & Carol Walsh, District 28, Council 4737's Moises & Maggie Patino and District 11, Council 9467's Paul & Carmela Davis were selected as the July 2012 FOM Awardees from AZ.  Of the AZ State FOM submissions for August 2012, District 4, Council 8807's Raymond & Chris Obral and District 19, Council...

AZ State Family of the Month Program

From the AZ State Family of the Month (FOM) Director. The following information has been received from Supreme. Of the AZ State FOM submissions for July 2012, District 27, Council 7904's Gerald & Carol Walsh, District 28, Council 4737's Moises & Maggie Patino and District 11, Council 9467's Paul & Carmela Davis were selected as the July 2012 FOM Awardees from AZ.  Of the AZ State FOM submissions for August 2012, District 4, Council 8807's Raymond & Chris Obral and District 19, Council...

Knights of Columbus Responds to Hurricane Sandy

In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus, in conjunction with local and state councils across the Northeast, is joining relief efforts.The Supreme Council announced this morning that it is making an immediate $100,000 donation, giving $50,000 each to the state councils of New York and New Jersey to assist in local relief efforts in those hardest-hit jurisdictions.In addition, the Supreme...

Knights of Columbus Responds to Hurricane Sandy

In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus, in conjunction with local and state councils across the Northeast, is joining relief efforts.The Supreme Council announced this morning that it is making an immediate $100,000 donation, giving $50,000 each to the state councils of New York and New Jersey to assist in local relief efforts in those hardest-hit jurisdictions.In addition, the Supreme...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Horse Shoe Tournament - Council 5542

Last Saturday, Nov. 3, Council 5542 in San Manuel hosted the inaugural Traveling TrophyHorse Shoe Tournament in San Manuel.District 16 Deputy Joe Skamel, District 4 Deputy Bill Barrett and District 6 Deputy Drew Mansagerparticipated, along with members of their Districts.  Council 5542 provided refreshments and music.Home town Council 5542 won top honors.  Council 5542 serves the towns and parishes of Mammoth,San Manuel and Oracle.Would...

Horse Shoe Tournament - Council 5542

Last Saturday, Nov. 3, Council 5542 in San Manuel hosted the inaugural Traveling TrophyHorse Shoe Tournament in San Manuel.District 16 Deputy Joe Skamel, District 4 Deputy Bill Barrett and District 6 Deputy Drew Mansagerparticipated, along with members of their Districts.  Council 5542 provided refreshments and music.Home town Council 5542 won top honors.  Council 5542 serves the towns and parishes of Mammoth,San Manuel and Oracle.Would...

Horse Shoe Tournament - Council 5542

Last Saturday, Nov. 3, Council 5542 in San Manuel hosted the inaugural Traveling TrophyHorse Shoe Tournament in San Manuel.District 16 Deputy Joe Skamel, District 4 Deputy Bill Barrett and District 6 Deputy Drew Mansagerparticipated, along with members of their Districts.  Council 5542 provided refreshments and music.Home town Council 5542 won top honors.  Council 5542 serves the towns and parishes of Mammoth,San Manuel and Oracle.Would...

Horse Shoe Tournament - Council 5542

Last Saturday, Nov. 3, Council 5542 in San Manuel hosted the inaugural Traveling TrophyHorse Shoe Tournament in San Manuel.District 16 Deputy Joe Skamel, District 4 Deputy Bill Barrett and District 6 Deputy Drew Mansagerparticipated, along with members of their Districts.  Council 5542 provided refreshments and music.Home town Council 5542 won top honors.  Council 5542 serves the towns and parishes of Mammoth,San Manuel and Oracle.Would...