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2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 State Officers

2013-2014 State Officers

2013 Mass for Organizational Meeting

2013 Mass for Organizational Meeting

Monday, December 30, 2013

Council 10762 Receives Year of Faith Award

St. Pius X Co. 10762 is honored to be the recipient of the Year of Faith Award. This award was presented to those councils who engaged in faith formation activities during the Year of Faith announced by Pope Benedict XVI. The Year of Faith began on October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The close of the Year of Faith took place on November 24, 2013, the Feast of Christ the King.

In announcing the  Year of Faith, Pope Benedict XVI called for a "renewal of the Church ... through the witness offered by the lives of believers. "

The Order's Year of Faith program was based on the four categories outlined by Pope Benedict in his document Porta Fidei (Door of Faith) that are designed to lead each believer into a deeper relationship with Christ and his Church -- Faith PROFESSED, Faith CELEBRATED, Faith LIVED and Faith PRAYED.

In order to receive the Year of Faith Award, councils had to conduct at least one activity in each of the four areas as outlined in the Year of Faith leaflet and submit an application to Supreme.

Pictured are Church Director PGK Joe Gulotta. GK Dutch Steenbakker, and Fin. Sec. FDD Pete Karculias.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Stations of the Cross - Council 15704

The attached photos are of the work party from the "Our Lady of the Desert Council #15704."  Last Saturday morning, December 14th, twelve Members cleaned up the paths and areas around the outside Stations of the Cross.  They also reinforced the path side slopes from erosionThis council is less than a year old and already has the confidence and gratitude of Father Paul Coury their Chaplain.
Ray Obral, Trustee

Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council Donates "Coats for Kids" to St. Peter Indian Mission School

Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council Donates “Coats for Kids” to St. Peter Indian Mission School


Sunday, December 15, 2013


The Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council donated 96 winter coats to children attending the Diocese of Phoenix, St. Peter Indian Mission School, of the Gila River Indian Community, in Bapchule, Arizona. On Sunday December 15 2013, State Secretary Larry Becker and his wife Teresa delivered the coats to the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity at the mission school. The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity have been teaching at St. Peter Mission since December 27, 1935.  The school’s enrollment typically ranges between 170-190 students. They currently have about 175 students. The school charges each family $300 per year for tuition. Because most of these families are living at below poverty level, they rarely are able to collect the tuition from the families. Therefore, they rely on Catholic Education scholarships and many other donors to keep the school alive. The Sisters were thrilled to have received such a warm gift for Christmas. They said that many of the children do not have coats and this will truly brighten their Christmas. The Sisters also boasted that the Knights of Columbus members in the Fr. John Arens Council 9678 of St. Steven’s Catholic Church in Sun Lakes Arizona also provide lots of help and support to the mission school.


State Deputy Bryant Sayers of the Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council has also arranged to deliver about 100 coats to children in an Indian mission school in the Diocese of Tucson. Also along with the State Deputy of New Mexico, State Deputy Sayers will be donating about 200 coats to the Diocese of Gallup St. Michael’s Indian School on the Navajo Reservation. State Deputy Sayers hopes to have all the coats delivered to the schools before Christmas Day so the children can enjoy the gift of warmth.


In 2009, the Knights of Columbus launched a new initiative designed to keep children warm in harsh winter climates. With many families with young children struggling in tough economic times, there was a clear need to provide warm winter coats to children in their communities. And so, the Knights of Columbus “Coats for Kids” program was born. Since 2009, the Knights of Columbus “Coats for Kids” program has given away more than 150,000 coats to children. Last year, nearly 1000 local Knights of Columbus councils participated locally in the program in the United State and Canada.



Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Eve Life Rosary

Dear Friends of Life,

Please join us for the Christmas Eve Life Rosary to end abortion, led by our own Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted. The details can be found on the attached flyer. We hope to see you there in support of all mothers and children!

To Jesus through Mary,

Clarissa Quiring
Coordinator of Marriage and Respect Life
Parish Leadership Support
Diocese of Phoenix
400 E Monroe Street
Phoenix, AZ  85004
(602) 354-2132

Corpus Christi Knights Kids - Council 10062

On a cold December morning, about 100 volunteers showed up to JC Penney's on Ray Rd and I-10 to participate in this years annual Knights Kids Charity event. This year, over 40 underprivileged children were treated to a shopping spree along with a visit from Santa Claus!!!! Along with the Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus, In Country Viet Nam Veterans and parishioners from Corpus Christi Catholic Church escorted the children to clothe them with socks, pants, shirts, shoes, and coats.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Keep Christ in Christmas Parade - Dec 7 - Glendale

Brother Knights,
On December 7, 2013 members of the Arizona Knights of Columbus will be
marching in the Glendale Hometown Parade with fellow Christians around the
Valley who share our love of Jesus Christ and the desire to Keep Christ in
Christmas. We are inviting our Brother Knights to march with us as a
fraternal order, and show the dedication of our Catholic faith to Keep
Christ in Christmas.
If you are willing to join us, please contact Eric at, or
call him at 623-255-1627. We are looking for between 50-100 Knights. A
request has also been put out for 8 to 10 Knights in regalia. There will
have a banner that says Knights of Columbus, Help Keep Christ in Christmas.
Assembly information is as follows:
Date: December 7, 2013
Assembly time: 8:am, parade starts at 10am.
Location: Glendale Firestation on 52nd Ave South of Glendale Ave.
Route: Parade will proceed west on Glendale Ave to 58th Ave where it will
turn south to the de-assembly area.
Thank you,
Eric Barna
Grand Knight
Council 3855

Monday, November 25, 2013

50/50 - Council 13024 - Luke AFB

Council 13024 at Luke A.F.B. trying to raise  money to help our church cause of  found being cut had a 50/50 raffle. The Raffle went for 4 months and had to sell away from the Church do to Fed. Laws. The winner Gail Carter won $667.00. We are going to try it again next Year.

Joseph Vaughn 623-670-1323

Thursday, November 14, 2013

URGENT: Assistance for Diocesan Eucharist Congress


Next week the Diocesan Eucharist Congress will be held at SS Simon and Jude Cathedral. Informational Flyer Attached to this email.
The Cathedral has asked for assistance from the Knights.  There will be a 40 hours of devotion starting on Thursday night, November 21, 2013.  They have asked for  Knights to supply security the 2 nights the cathedral will be open all night. 
Starting Wednesday night November 20th following the 6:30 p.m. Mass, until the start of the 6:30 a.m. Mass Thursday morning.  Then again they will need Knights starting again, after the 6:30 p.m. Mass Thursday night, through the night until the 6:15 a.m. Mass Friday morning, November 22nd.  We would like a minimum of 2 knights at all times.  If possible we would like to have one bilingual knights as well on each shift.
We can break this up into 2 hour shifts starting at 7:30 p.m. each night until 6:30 a.m. the next morning.

This is happening very soon, so we are asking you to send email to the members of your councils right away and encourage them to help.  If they can help please ask them to email, the possible times they would be available, to .  Or call 623-536-4801.
Please give this message a wide distribution and encourage the Knights support.
Diocesan Eucharistic Congress, Mon, Nov 18 through Fri, Nov 22 at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral, 6351 N. 27th Ave. Phoenix. Daily Eucharistic Congresses are gatherings of ecclesiastics and laymen for the purpose of celebrating and glorifying the Holy Eucharist and of seeking the best means to spread its knowledge and love throughout the world.
Speakers include Fr. Sergio M. Fita, Vinny Flynn, Fr. Scott Courtney, Sr. Regina Marie Gorman, OCD, and Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted.
This is free and open to the public.
For schedule and further information see

Vivat Jesus!
Rick Garrison
Knights of Columbus
State Executive Secretary
623-536-4801 Home

Flag retirement pix/captions - Tucson

Assembly 2308 in Tucson held its annual flag retirement ceremony earlier this month. Many groups came together to share their appreciation of Veterans, the flag and the country.
Council 8077 provided free hamburgers and hot dogs after the flag retirement.

3792--Faithful Navigator, Drew Mansager, describes the power of seeing the American flag when he worked in communist Czechoslovakia.  Flag retirement organizer Ricardo Preciado and Deacon Fran Sherlock look on.

3794--Rifle team from Council 8077, led by Ritchie Preciado, offered a gun salute.  They were accompanied by parish Boy Scouts.

3806--Squires from Council 14089 accompany the Honor Guard of Assembly 2308

3811--Sir Knights of Assembly 2308 ready the flag for proper disposal.

3819--WW II Veteran, SK Sal Gentile, is given the honor of placing the red stripes in the fire.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Knights of Columbus Piano Concert - Feb 15 - Tucson

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Knights Produce Documentary on Pope Francis

 This coming Sunday, Nov. 3, the Knights of Columbus-produced documentary on Pope Francis will again be aired on national television. CNBC will broadcast the documentary at 6-7 p.m. Eastern (3-4 p.m. Pacific).


The film, Francis: The Pope from the New World, features interviews with Pope Francis' friends and associates in Argentina, as well as with American commentators such as Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and members of the hierarchy, including Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Archbishop Charles Chaput and Archbishop Jose Gomez.


The world has been fascinated by our new Holy Father, but many people still do not fully know the man who is now our pope. This film introduces viewers to Jorge Mario Bergoglio - the man who became Pope Francis - and his life story, from his childhood and patronage of his local soccer team to his vocation and time as a priest, bishop and then cardinal archbishop of Buenos Aires.

If possible, please encourage your council members and parishioners to watch this documentary during your homily or following Masses on the weekend of Nov. 2 and 3.


As Knights, standing in solidarity with our Holy Father, it is not only important that we know him but that we help others to know him, and that we support him in the work of the New Evangelization. If we follow Pope Francis' charitable witness, we have the opportunity to change the world.

John S. Garcia
Public Relations Director
Arizona State Council
(602) 525-4424

Monday, October 14, 2013

Oct 26 - Wine Festival - Council 11116 - Carefree

Saturday, 26 October 2013, A Knight in the Vineyard (brochure attached) Our 13th Annual Wine Festival is the most exciting get together of the fall.
This is a charitable event benefiting Maggie’s Place and Seminarians of our Diocese.  It is sponsored by Carefree Christopher Columbus Association (CCCA) and will be an evening to remember.  Contact Steve Stensrud [(480) 595-5645] or Rod Brimmer [(623) 547-6300] for further information &


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oct 26 - Respect Life Dinner - Council 3121 - Chandler

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nov 9 - Knights Klassics Car Show - Council 9485 - Mesa

Monday, September 30, 2013

Nov 3 - Red, White and Blue Mass - Mesa

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Handicap Ramp - Council 7904

Members of Holy Cross Council 7904 building a handicap ramp for a member of Holy Cross Parish to replace the ramp that was in place. The existing ramp was to low for the door and they were having a hard time getting in and out of the house..

Bill Ritchie DD# 27

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

From the Mouths of Babes - PWID

From the Mouths of Babes

Sometimes we talk our talk and plan our strategies on what and how we need to approach recruiting new knights. We think and use buzz words and fancy terms and never seem to deliver the right message. Some of us who have been knights for 5 years to over 30 and 40 years struggle with the right reasons to become a knight. This weekend I had the privilege to work with so many great people and as they passed through the Kino room to talk about the problems we all face in recruitment and retention.

I found a much smaller group of people who came with their dads and in some cases their granddads and moms and grandmas to help because they had to but they did it well.
I talked to most of them and gathered their feelings and thoughts which were pure and simple and honest and genuine. I enjoyed each of them; give me them in 10 years and watch out. I could conquer the world.

We sometimes forget about  the contribution of young people however I was able to obtain a clear understanding of some of their feelings and ideas. But there was one who stands out above them all. She is a very sweet 10 year old who is the daughter of one of our knights and co-chairman of the PWID drive, Al Velosa. Her name is Arianna. She made me blush with her writing on the whiteboard in the Kino Room. This is what she wrote:
"Reasons to Join the Knights of Columbus"

1. It’s fun
2. You help people in need
3. You meet new people
4. You get to do different things
5. You learn different things
Can You Think of More???!!!???”

She wrote this on the whiteboard and left it there for us to look at and think about as she joined her dad, big brother and younger sister on another hour of coverage at Walmart.
She wrote this after reading and remembering that the inside of the Tootsie Roll wrapper states that there are 1.7 million knights and that over $1 billion dollars went to
community service programs. It also states that it takes over 594 million hours of volunteer work to support those programs.

All I can say is Arianna could teach us all a thing or two about what counts and how to approach life and maybe the solution to our recruitment approach. Above everything else, this young 10 year old took $20 of her saved allowance money and contributed that money to the PWID Fund. Those of you who have experienced bringing up children can understand what an exceptional thing this was for her to do.

She gets a huge star in my book and deserves a thank you from all of us. By the way, she was just the one who rose above the others; each of the children who helped us deserve stars for
their helping us as well.

Brother Fred Falgiano

Knights in Action - Council 6788

Wes Berry Grand Knight of Council 6788 in Page  along with  Brother
Knights from the Council presenting check to Page Soup Kitchen

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cars for Charity - Council 11116 - Carefree

Click on picture to enlarge

Thursday, September 5, 2013

8813 Installation of Officers

Here are some pictures from the Installation of Officers for Council 8813.

Ruben Quiroz

Sept 11 Memorial Mass - Council 15164 - Nogales

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Council 13836 - State Raffle

SK Pete Martinez (81) who sold the most State raffle tickets in the entire State of Arizona this past term and was able to present our Pastor, Father Romy, with a check of more than $2,000. Pete has such a colorful past, that we will feature him in the upcoming newsletter in September. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

"Knowledge is Power" ~ A MUST SEE!

You are invited to attend the Open House hosted by the Knights of Columbus, Father Patterson Council #3121 for a "must see" informative evening!
When:        Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Time:          7:pm ~ Doors Open  ~ 7:30 pm ~  DVD  Presentation by AZ East Valley Pro-Life Alliance
Where:       644 E. Chandler Blvd., Chandler, AZ 85225
FREE  Admission! FREE Refreshments! NO Host Bar
Join Michael Voris, Host of the Television  Series "The One True Faith", as he narrates,  via an approximate 48 minute DVD, the  shocking , incisive and thorough analysis of the "Cost of Abortion"!
Using harrowing and graphic images, as well as economic statistics, Michael illustrates the true cost of abortion to the United States and the Western World!   A MUST SEE ~ if you cannot see it for the children~ see it for the money and the cost to taxpayers!
"Knowledge is Power"!   Be enlightened to the magnificent capabilities of a 4-D Ultrasound!
Please feel free to spread the word to all our brothers & sisters in Christ!
For more information on the Open House please contact:  Paul & Marie Fordtner @ 480-963-5561.
For additional information on the DVD Presentation please contact:  Joe & Jinny Perron @ 480-216-7217.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Knights of the Ballpark

Brother Knights,

The Arizona Diamondbacks and the Knights of Columbus invite you to bring your family 
and friends to the 9th Annual Knights of Columbus Night on Saturday, August 31 as 
the D-backs take on the Giants.

Two games for the price of one!  Stay for the 2nd Annual D-backs Alumni Game following the 5:10pm game. Wear your "throwback" colors in support of D-backs Alumni Night.

For every ticket purchased through this offer, the D-backs will donate $2 to your local Council and $2 to the Arizona Knights of Columbus.  In 2012, close to 500 tickets were purchased with over $2000 donated.  In addition, $2 from every ticket will be donated to the Special Olympics.

*Order form(see below) is due no later than Friday, August 16, 2013
*All checks must be made payable to your local Council

Tickets are located in the following areas:
Lower Level Baseline Reserve (Sections 133-135) @ $28 (reg. $39)

Upper Level Infield Reserve (Sections 319-320) @ $13 (reg. $21)

For the diocese of Tucson, the Diamondbacks have arranged for a bus to take people to and from the game.  That form is also attached. 

Game Flyer
Ticket Order Form
DBacks Express Bus Form

Jim Tucker

Arizona Knights of Columbus
District Deputy #30
Office:  602.840.6477
Cell:     602.430.6144
Fax:      602.276.9111

2013 State Charity Raffle Winners

K of C State Charity Raffle July 16, 2013
The following list is the CONFIRMEDlist of winners. 

Home Town
Ticket Number

1st    Portugal
George Falkenback
Hilliard OH
2nd  Barcelona
Anna McSherry
Tucson AZ
3rd  Italy
Jan McElheny
Tucson AZ
4th  $2,500
Mike Summers
Gilbert AZ
5th  $1,500
Julia Lobo
Concord CA
6th  $1,500
Jan Krieski
Tucson AZ
7th  $1,000
Dick Allen
Surprise AZ
8th  $1,000
Leonard Serpa
Phoenix AZ
9th     $500
Jim Levth
Tucson AZ
10th    $500
Francis [Berry] Wills
Glendale AZ