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2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 State Officers

2013-2014 State Officers

2013 Mass for Organizational Meeting

2013 Mass for Organizational Meeting

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Knights of the Ballpark

Brother Knights,

The Arizona Diamondbacks and the Knights of Columbus invite you to bring your family 
and friends to the 9th Annual Knights of Columbus Night on Saturday, August 31 as 
the D-backs take on the Giants.

Two games for the price of one!  Stay for the 2nd Annual D-backs Alumni Game following the 5:10pm game. Wear your "throwback" colors in support of D-backs Alumni Night.

For every ticket purchased through this offer, the D-backs will donate $2 to your local Council and $2 to the Arizona Knights of Columbus.  In 2012, close to 500 tickets were purchased with over $2000 donated.  In addition, $2 from every ticket will be donated to the Special Olympics.

*Order form(see below) is due no later than Friday, August 16, 2013
*All checks must be made payable to your local Council

Tickets are located in the following areas:
Lower Level Baseline Reserve (Sections 133-135) @ $28 (reg. $39)

Upper Level Infield Reserve (Sections 319-320) @ $13 (reg. $21)

For the diocese of Tucson, the Diamondbacks have arranged for a bus to take people to and from the game.  That form is also attached. 

Game Flyer
Ticket Order Form
DBacks Express Bus Form

Jim Tucker

Arizona Knights of Columbus
District Deputy #30
Office:  602.840.6477
Cell:     602.430.6144
Fax:      602.276.9111

2013 State Charity Raffle Winners

K of C State Charity Raffle July 16, 2013
The following list is the CONFIRMEDlist of winners. 

Home Town
Ticket Number

1st    Portugal
George Falkenback
Hilliard OH
2nd  Barcelona
Anna McSherry
Tucson AZ
3rd  Italy
Jan McElheny
Tucson AZ
4th  $2,500
Mike Summers
Gilbert AZ
5th  $1,500
Julia Lobo
Concord CA
6th  $1,500
Jan Krieski
Tucson AZ
7th  $1,000
Dick Allen
Surprise AZ
8th  $1,000
Leonard Serpa
Phoenix AZ
9th     $500
Jim Levth
Tucson AZ
10th    $500
Francis [Berry] Wills
Glendale AZ

Friday, July 12, 2013

Membership Goals - July

Worthy Brothers,

Today is Friday, July 12, 2013.  Have you planned to make your membership goal yet?
Idea #1 – Order-wide, almost half of the members we bring in are reduced by other members who leave.  You can make a difference by making sure that all of your members are invited to join in the works of the Order and of your Council.  Involved members tend to stay in the Knights while those who never participate often stop paying dues and are dropped.  Arrange to place new members on your Council phone tree and email list immediately.  Use the interest survey at the bottom of the form 100 to enroll them in one or more of your service committees.
Idea #2 - Mentoring - Set up a mentoring program in your Council and ask the Chancellor to follow-up with the mentors quarterly.  A simple plan for Mentoring would be to assign a Brother Knight (one with similar interests and profile) to each new recruit.  Younger Knights for young recruits, Brothers with families with new Knights with families, etc.  Their job is to communicate with the new member monthly by inviting him to meetings, activities, parish events, or simply to meet as friends.  Part of the mentoring process is to invite and escort your new Knight to Degree ceremonies.  Your goal would be to advance him to the 3rd (or even the 4th) Degree within a year.  This mentoring should continue for approximately one full year.
Please forward this and future Membership Monday messages to other Brother Knights.  Also, feel free to call or email me with your favorite membership ideas so Brothers across the State may benefit from your experiences.

Vivat Jesus!!

Ron Cacini
AZ State Membership Director
One Knight Per Council Per Month


Knights Light and Life Initiative

Steve Beuerle and Greg Anthony, founders of the Knights of Columbus Light and Life Mobile Ultrasound Initiative (see:, will be making  a brief “open house” stop in Phoenix as they drive one of their new mobile pregnancy centers from Ohio to San Diego. Pro-life advocates are welcome to visit the mobile center and learn more about the Initiative on Friday, July 19, between 9 and 10 a.m. The mobile center will be parked on the south side of the Diocesan Pastoral Center plaza (400 E Monroe St. Phoenix 85004) by the statue of Bl. Pope John Paul II.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Habitat for Humanity Arizona

Dear District Deputies and Grand Knights,

As we discussed at the Organization Meeting this past Saturday, Habitat for Humanity is a Supreme Program Initiative.

Last year, Knights at the local level reported donating more that 1.3 million volunteer service hours and $1.7 million to Habitat for Humanity, helping to build or renovate houses for deserving families in need.

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, Christian organization founded in 1976 that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness one family at a time.

Just in time for our District Deputies and Grand Knights to start gathering momentum for this very important Supreme Program initiative.

Do all you can to present this initiative to your Councils at your meetings in July. Form a a group of Knights (and invite your families ) and move forward!

Below are contacts to get you started:

Phoenix Office: 602.268.9022
                     115 E. Watkins St.
                     Phoenix, AZ 85345 
Your Chairman for 2013-2014 is Dennis Sullivan and his contacts are:
Please engage your council's and make a commitment to this great cause. Remember, this program satisfies your 'Community' objective as your requirement for the SP-7 Columbian Award application and for the 'Star Award'

So lets get started and 'drive some nails'!

Vivat Jesus,

Rudy Cavolina, 
Program Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus

'One Member, per Council, per Month'