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2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin


Monday, December 30, 2013

Council 10762 Receives Year of Faith Award

St. Pius X Co. 10762 is honored to be the recipient of the Year of Faith Award. This award was presented to those councils who engaged in faith formation activities during the Year of Faith announced by Pope Benedict XVI. The Year of Faith began on October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The close of the Year of Faith took place on November...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Stations of the Cross - Council 15704

The attached photos are of the work party from the "Our Lady of the Desert Council #15704."  Last Saturday morning, December 14th, twelve Members cleaned up the paths and areas around the outside Stations of the Cross.  They also reinforced the path side slopes from erosion.  This council is less than a year old and already has the confidence and gratitude of Father Paul Coury their Chaplain. Ray...

Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council Donates "Coats for Kids" to St. Peter Indian Mission School

Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council Donates “Coats for Kids” to St. Peter Indian Mission School Sunday, December 15, 2013 The Knights of Columbus Arizona State Council donated 96 winter coats to children attending the Diocese of Phoenix, St. Peter Indian Mission School, of the Gila River Indian Community, in Bapchule, Arizona. On Sunday December 15 2013, State Secretary Larry Becker and his wife Teresa delivered the coats to the Franciscan...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Eve Life Rosary

Dear Friends of Life,Please join us for the Christmas Eve Life Rosary to end abortion, led by our own Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted. The details can be found on the attached flyer. We hope to see you there in support of all mothers and children! To Jesus through Mary, Clarissa QuiringCoordinator of Marriage and Respect Life Parish Leadership SupportDiocese of Phoenix400 E Monroe StreetPhoenix, AZ  85004(602)

Corpus Christi Knights Kids - Council 10062

On a cold December morning, about 100 volunteers showed up to JC Penney's on Ray Rd and I-10 to participate in this years annual Knights Kids Charity event. This year, over 40 underprivileged children were treated to a shopping spree along with a visit from Santa Claus!!!! Along with the Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus, In Country Viet Nam Veterans and parishioners from Corpus Christi Catholic Church escorted the children to clothe them with...