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2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin


Thursday, February 27, 2014

K of C Charity Raffle Update #3 Manual and letters

By now, all councils should have received a supply of Charity Raffle tickets, letters for the Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Raffle Chairman along with a manual for each.In the past four years, we have established the AZ Charity Raffle team members as the State Officers, District Deputies, and Insurance Field Agents.  These leaders make up the outside team since they are outside the council.  In the past, we also gave each council Grand Knight a letter and Charity Raffle Guide [Manual] to share with their Raffle Chairman. ...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


On January 4th 2014, approximately 210 Catholic Scouts and Scouters from around the State gathered at the Tumacacori National Historic Park for the annual Anza Trek Catholic Scouting Retreat.  Hosted by the Diocese of Tucson’s Catholic Committee for Scouting, this annual retreat offers an opportunity to travel the trails of early Catholic missionaries in the region and build lasting friendships among Catholic Scouts while learning more...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Help with Renewal Center - Council 15704

4161--  How do you undo a labyrinth?  Call your local Knights of Columbus!      In preparation for improvements and the 50 year anniversary of the Redemptorist Renewal Center at Picture Rocks, near Tucson, Council 15704 Chaplain, and center director Fr. Paul Coury asked the Knights of Our Lady of the Desert to dismantle and reassembly the meditative rock labyrinth February...

Friday, February 7, 2014

K of C Charity Raffle Update #1

Charity Raffle Team members, by now, all councils should have their 2014 Charity Raffle information that includes a supply of tickets and envelops for the Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Raffle Chairman.  Each envelop contains a letter and manual.  In the Raffle Chairman’s envelope, there are the Charity Raffle Sales Report, Century Sale Report, and Individual Knights Sale of $1,000 or more.  The last two reports are on one page.  These reports are used when everything is turned in at convention time. ...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

PWID for DSN AZ - Council 10062

Corpus Christi Council 10062 was happy to present a check to Executive Director Alex Duggan and Board Member Rick Sughroe of Down Syndrome Network of Arizona. Council 10062 was able to raise over $5,000 for the PWID to help Special Olympics and Down Syndrome Network. The check for $3,900 was presented by Grand Knight Dennis Sullivan and PWID Co-Chairman Tom Kato.&nb...

Knights in Action - Council 5542

4105--Knights of Council 5542 in San Manuel were asked to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for more than 80 Motocross riders and their families earlier this month.  Ready for business!4082--A record number of riders receive instruction and rules before the Arizona Trail Riders event earlier this month in San Manuel.4102--Riders and their families appreciated the food provided by the Knights of Columbus.  "You should come to all of our...