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2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin

2013-2014 Arizona State Knights of Columbus Pin


Monday, March 31, 2014

St. Patrick's & Statue of Life Check Presentations to Father

Knights of Santa Catalina Council 12345 donated a lot of green, if not a pot of gold, to Fr. Larry Sanders after their annual St. Patrick's Day celebration.PGK Paul Darcy and Dave Stevens of Santa Catalina Council 12345 present Fr. Larry Sanders, pastor and chaplain at Santa Catalina, a check for nearly $15,000 for the recently completed "Garden of Lif...

Food Donation for Tri-Community Food Bank

   Knights of Council 5542 presented their second $300 check to Tri-Community Food Bank Treasurer Joyce McClung recently.  Along with more than a half ton of food collected last November, the monetary donations come from the Knights of Columbus Supreme's "Food for Families" rebate program.    Pictured (l to r) are Bob Muller, Dofie Mendibles, Joyce McClung, Grand Knight Jerry Bribiescas, Frank Gonzales and Bernie Finch.  ...

K of C Charity Raffle Update #5

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be sent to Richard at or telephone 480.818.1774.  Reply to this message, Delete Rick Garrison before sending.  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME, COUNCIL NUMBER, POSITION, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER AT THE END OF THE MESSGE.  This message was sent to the Charity Raffle Team of State Officers, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Riffle Chairman, Financial Secretaries, Faithful Navigators, and Field...

2014-Substance Abuse Poster Contest Winners

Thank you to all the Councils that participated in the 2014 Substance Abuse Poster Contest.The Winning Posters were previewed last week at the Basketball Free Throw Finals in Tucson.This contest is a testament of our young people's vision, creatively expressed in their; Slogan, Artistic Merit and Overall Impact.The winners will receive, by April 30, 2014, a letter by Bryant Sayers-State Deputy and a $50.00 Gift Card and will be sent to...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Council 8386 - Parish Program

On Saturday, February 15th the members of Mary, Queen of the Knights Council #8386 organized and hosted a parish-wide "Valentine Marriage Vow Renewal and Potluck Dinner" at St. Germaine Parish in Prescott Valley, Az.Fr. Dan Vollmer officiated at this unique event, reinforcing the sacramental bond of marriage over the romantic notion of marriage. "81" couples congregated in the church after Friday evening's mass and renewed their commitment to each...

Logan De Rosier Council 7521 Activities

 The first attachment was when our council painted the exterior of our parish Our Lady of Lourdes, in Benson. The materials and labor were donated from our council funds.The second and third attachment is of our continuing scrap metal drive, in which our parishioners donate any thing metallic and the Knights of our council coordinate it's pick up and removal, so far nothing has been to small or to big. The proceeds go to such projects such...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

K of C Charity Raffle Update #4

A message from the State Raffle Director, Richard Armanini!  Any questions or comments should be sent to Richard at or telephone 480.818.1774.  Reply to this message, Delete Rick Garrison before sending.  PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME, COUNCIL NUMBER, POSITION, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER AT THE END OF THE MESSGE.  This message was sent to the Charity Raffle Team of State Officers, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Riffle Chairman, Financial Secretaries, Faithful Navigators, and Field...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

K of C Support of Big Brothers / Big Sisters

Attached is a photo taken on Saturday, March 8th at a local Bowling Alley in Prescott Valley, Az. Members of Council #8386 in PV joined forces with the local BB/BS and raise $1,681.00 to help match locals kids with Big Brothers / Big Sisters. Our members and family members spent  time getting sponsors and then attended the Saturday event to "Bowl for KIdsOur Youth Chairman, Cher Vang (front row right side) and our Recorder, Ben Taylor,...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

St. Paul 15001 Free Throw

Our own Dan Weege, District Chairman for the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition, reports that on Saturday February 15, 2014 the District Youth Free Throw Competition, was held on at the Notre Dame High School gymnasium. He said “I'm so grateful to Tom Horyza the varsity basketball coach and Monica Barrett the athletic director at Notre Dame Prep for allowing us the use of their school gymnasium. It's a wonderful facility. We look forward...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

District 15 Free Throw Contest

District 15 Winners Girls 10 Melissa Gonzales of 3855, 11 Lynette Torres of 7465, 12 Abigail Dewitt of 7465, 13 Michelle Nguyen of 11738, 14 Rachel Hammons of 7465. Boys 9 Nicholas Nguyen of 11738, 11 Bryan Gerkensmeyer of 3855, 12 Anthony Lopez of 3855, 13 Noah Farnsworth of 7465, 14 Brandon Jirak of 7114. On February 22 District 15 held the Knights Of Columbus free throw contest at Bourgade Catholic High School. I want to congratulate all the...

K of C Chief Judge John Roll Chapter

The Celebration of Artwork Restoration at the Garden of Gethsemane took place Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014. Many dignitaries were on hand for the occasion marking the completion of nearly a two year effort in planning and execution. Dignitaries present included Fred H. Gray Jr., Director, Tucson Parks and Recreation Department, Jonathon Rothschild, Mayor of Tucson, Richard Elias, Pima County Board of Supervisors District 5, Regina Romero, Council Member, Ward 1, Richard G. Fimbres, Council Member, Ward 5, Bryant Sayers, Knights of Columbus AZ State Deputy,...