In an effort to support our Bishops and Priest, in this case the Bishop of Tucson and a soon to be newly Ordained Priest, I have asked that we reschedule/move the 2nd and 3rd degree that is scheduled on 7 June 2014 at Council 7114 to 8 June 2014. Unfortunately Council 7114 cannot host this degree due to a scheduling conflict at the Parish. I have asked the State Deputy Elect to consider Council 7114 for next Fraternal year.
Council 3855 (8066 N 49th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85302) has graciously offered their hall for this degree. Registration will be from 9:00 AM to 9:45AM, 2nd Degree Begins promptly at 10:00 AM, the 3rd Degree follows the 2nd Degree. Ceremony typically completes by 2:00 PM.
Please pass this information to all of your Brother Knights that are considering taking their degree. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused, but as you are aware we are all called upon to support our Bishops and Priests (and future Priests), your State Officers will be in attendance for the ordination scheduled in the Diocese of Tucson. Moving this degree will open the opportunity for our Brothers that were conflicted in supporting the Tucson Diocese or attending the degree.
Thank you for your understanding
Point of Contacts;
Charlie Klenner, Financial Secretary
Phone: (602)469 - 7186
Eric Barna, Grand Knight
Phone: (401)474 - 4285
Registration Fee: $10.00 per candidate, payable at the door.
Lunch: $7.00 per person, lunch will be served after the 3rd Degree
Bryant Sayers
State Deputy